VISU1100: BLOG #4

Part 1:

I really enjoyed having the upperclassmen talk to us. I do not remember all of there names but I do remember some. They all had great advice but what stuck out the most was when Crissy said ” It’s one thing to make art, but it’s another case when you have to defend your purpose and help others see your art the way that you do so that the work’s purpose can become clear.” I have a hard time sharing my vision with someone else because I do not think they will see where I am coming from. From Julianna, I like her advice on keeping a sketchbook because it helps me keep my ideas and I can always look back on them. When Paul talked, he mentioned ” hustle.” He talked about how we might want to spend a lot of time on a project it is sometimes better to take a step back. Finally with Shelby, I think she hit it right on the head with her advice on just to find your passion. You have to love what you do especially in a creative field like graphic design. I really enjoyed the advice about joining the AIGA for graphic designers because that is what I am studying. I want to get involved more and go to command G. One thing I really got from all the talks is the fact that it is important to go and see art. I think what I enjoyed the most about having them talk to us was the fact that they were once where I am now. It is nice to know that it is okay to be unsure and struggle at first. It takes time to adjust and find your place in college but once you do, you can achieve anything. I also think it is so important to get internships especially as a graphic designer because I feel you learn the most with hands on experience.

Part 2:

I think Pinterest is great for creativity. It gives you a chance to make your own things and look up things that are appealing to you. It is just another way to express yourself and learn from other people. It also shows what is trending and what other people find interesting. I think it is compelling and makes you want to learn more.

I was just looking up different graphic designers and I found Maria GroenLund’s website and went through her work. I think what she creates is amazing.Specialising in logos and branding, Maria Grønlund is an independent graphic designer. Using vibrant colours to stir the sense, much of her work has an abstract, dream-like quality to it.  I like how she conveys the idea of motion with a variety of colors.

Juri Zaech is a Swiss art director. While he works in advertising, he still makes time to complete little side projects. Specializing in typography, he creates inspiring and innovative font focused projects.

Behance is a website with a variety of designers that post their work and follow other artist. I love exploring and learning new ways to use my materials and it helps me spark new ideas for my own work.


For my 4D portion of the project, I took a walking meditation for 50 minutes. I decided to do this because when I analyzed my 3D sculpture,I noticed that it was a roller coaster of emotions in ones life. The straws that had wire in them showed how bumpy life can get and not everything is always going to be perfect. The straws with nothing in them show how there are moments in life when everything is great and going well. When you put the two together you see the roller coaster of emotions and how good and bad things can happen at anytime. To visualize this more, I documented 5 pictures of my feet wearing different pairs of shoes that represent how I felt after 10 minutes of walking. Each pair of shoes represents something close to my heart and how my emotions were in that moment. When looking back at the photos, I realized that I had chosen the shoes I wear on a regular bases which I found interesting. Everyone always looks at your whole outfit before looking at the shoes, but what I have learned is that the shoes tell their own story as well.

Running Shoes

My first picture is of my running shoes. I am a part of the St. Edward’s  cross country team and have been running since i was 4 years old. Running has defined who I am and is a huge part of my life. Running is how I start my day off.


My second picture is of my every day walking shoes, keds. These shoes are casual and comfy. They go with all my outfits and they represent my every day life and how sometimes simplicity is all you need.


My third picture is of my sandals. I wear these out most of the time. They represent the more girly side of me and my social life. My emotions when I took this were bubbly and relaxed. I felt good. These shoes also reminded me of a sickness I have. For 2 years I had unbearable stomach pains that changed me for the worst and the best. It taught me valuable lessons but in that time, these were the shoes I wore with almost every outfit.

Brown Flats

My fourth picture was of my brown flats. These shoes represent all my high school memories because I wore these shoes every single day. It also took me back to when I was in Europe because I wore them there and I also broke them when I was there. On this part of my meditation, I was looking back at old memories.

Cross sandals

My fifth picture was of my cross sandals. I bought these shoes when I was at the beach with my family. We used to take my grandmother before she passed. My emotions were on the darker side in this photo. I thought of sad memories but I was also happy because she is in a better place now.

Through out my walking meditation, it forced me to look into my mind and think about everything in my life. I have had good and bad moments in my life but I have come out stronger and I have grown through my experiences. My shoes were simply along for the journey but they still hold those memories for me.