Arts 3060 Portfolio Review template

Your BLOG may include images to be considered for Portfolio Review that only exist digitally. All information for Portfolio Review must be posted to the BLOG, there is no need to generate a separate page at this time.

Each image is a separate post and must be labeled with title, media, year of completion

Categorize each post with the correct course listing (ex. ARTS 1311) or as Self Directed.  Tag each post with Portfolio Review, Instructors Name for Portfolio Review. (ex. alexan)

Statement and Questions:
The artist statement and answers to the questions provided for the review must be posted to this page as well as included in your actual presentation.

Categorize each post with the correct course listing (ex. ARTS 1311).  Tag each post with #Portfolio Review, #Instructors Name for Portfolio Review. (ex. alexan)

Post Portfolio Review:
Images from the Portfolio Review exhibit  are to be included after the review. These images should include individual examples of the work included in Portfolio Review

Each image must be labeled with title, media, year of completion

Categorize each post with the correct course listing (ex. ARTS 1311) or as Self Directed.  Tag each post with Portfolio Review, Instructors Name for Portfolio Review (ex. alexan).


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