Linda Stein Lecture and Exhibition

September 5-27, 2013

The Fluidity of Gender: Sculpture by Linda Stein

Public Artist Lecture: Thursday, Sept. 5, 6-7 p.m., Jones Auditorium, Ragsdale Center
Opening Reception: Thursday, Sept. 5, 7-8:30 p.m., Fine Arts Gallery, ARTS Building

In a multi-media exhibition, the artist visually and viscerally answers the questions: Can Wonder Woman Cra-ac-ck Gender Stereotypes?—Are we in the midst of a Gender Revolution?—Are there new definitions for masculinities and femininities in today’s culture and do they see Parity/Protection/Peace as a goal? Artist-activist Linda Stein will bring The Fluidity of Gender to our campus with a talk (6pm) about BRAVERY, which includes scenes from when Stein was duped into being in the movie Borat and also scenes from 30 Rock and Grand Theft Auto. A reception (7-8:30pm) in the Fine Arts Gallery will include a performance by St Edward’s students. Invite your family and friends!

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