Congratulations to 2020-2021 TLTR Pilot Grant Recipients

Technology for Innovative Learning & Teaching Pilot Project Grants for 2020-2021 Academic Year

Visible Body Anatomy Atlas

Visible Body Anatomy Atlas

The Teaching, Learning, and Technology Roundtable (TLTR) congratulates the winners of Technology for Innovative Learning & Teaching Pilot Project Grants for 2020. (The projects are commonly referred to as TLTR Pilots.)  Projects have been or will be implemented in Summer or Fall 2020 or Spring 2021. In response to the conditions of teaching during the Pandemic, this year’s grants include projects that support online teaching and learning or socially-distanced teaching and learning.  Projects especially explore ways to use digital tools as an alternative experiential learning experience, such as the Visible Body courseware used to study anatomy seen at the right, or virtual reality simulations. Others explore the use of video to support teaching improvement, software for modeling complex dynamical systems, and methods for adapting online textbooks to local contexts, which will provide lessons for instructors making use of free digital textbooks and other open educational resources (OERs). This announcement combines the results of two CFPs, one in Spring 2020 and one in Fall 2020.  The winning projects for 2020 are:

  • New Ventures in Professional Development: Teacher Circles, Steven Fletcher, Associate Professor, Teaching, Learning, and Culture
  • VR in the Classroom – Online Teaching and Learning Strategies with Digital Immersion, Steven Fletcher, Associate Professor, Teaching, Learning, and Culture
  • Using STELLA to Model the Earth’s Climate, Gary A. Morris, Professor, Environmental Science and Physics
  • Improving Anatomy and Physiology studies using 3-D Models and Augmented Reality, LaKisha Barrett, Visiting Assistant Professor/Adjunct Biology, Biological Sciences
  • An Accessible Textbook Students Want to Access, Emma Woelk, Assistant Professor of German, Languages, Literatures and Cultures

To read abstracts for each project, please visit the 2020 TLTR Pilot Projects webpage.

TLTR Pilots: Interest Due 10/30 & Proposals Due 11/20

The Teaching, Learning, and Technology Roundtable (TLTR) invites proposals for the Technology for Innovative Learning & Teaching Pilot Project Grants (TLTR Pilot Project Grants) for projects in Spring 2021. The TLTR will be awarding grants worth up to $5,000 to fund innovative teaching projects that incorporate new technologies and can be used as a model for other faculty. The TLTR especially encourages projects to help the university adapt to teachiFall 2020 TLTR Pilot Deadlinesng and learning during the Pandemic. This call specifically seeks proposals to support online teaching and learning or socially-distanced teaching and learning.

This program is a great chance for faculty members to get a license for some new instructional technology tool or purchase equipment to support online instruction. You might even coordinate with a group of faculty to try something new. Statements of interest due 10/30/20 & applications due 11/20/20.

The full call for proposals is here:

TLTR Agenda, Wednesday, February 12, 1 pm, Premont 110

  1. Summer 2020 Online Coordination Workgroup
    1. Communication Plan (Kyndal Soto)
    2. Charge
    3. Update
    4. Review and Feedback on FAQ (see draft document in our shared drive)
    5. OLC Scorecard for Online Student Support
  2. Draft Learning Spaces Working Group Call for Participants (see draft document in our shared drive)
    1. feedback needed before 2/19/20 then please recruit
  3. Announcements
    1. Teaching Online Faculty Learning Community
    2. Innovation Fellowship deadline extended to Monday, February 17
      1. CFP and Guidelines
      2. Application process shortened to reduce barriers for faculty
    3. New Topper Technology Survey launched 2/3/20: Preview it here
    4. TLTR Pilots subcommittee meeting 2/12/20; expect CFP soon after

Call for Pilot Projects to Support Learning Spaces, Making, Online Learning, and Learning Portfolios

The Teaching, Learning, and Technology Roundtable (TLTR) invites proposals for the Technology for Innovative Learning & Teaching Pilot Project Grants (TLTR Pilot Project Grants) for projects in 2019-2020. The TLTR will be awarding grants worth up to $5,000 to fund innovative teaching projects that incorporate new technologies and can be used as a model for other faculty. The TLTR especially encourages projects of the following types:

  • Projects that experiment with innovations in learning spaces
  • Projects that experiment with making
    • Making is an iterative process of tinkering and problem solving that is collaborative; allows for self-expression through the creation of a personally meaningful artifacts; and is shared with a larger community.”— UTeach Maker Advisory Group, 2016
    • “In maker-centered learning environments, students imagine, design, and create projects that align the content of learning with hands-on application.”–Maker Ed
  • Projects that build capacity for online, blended, and web-enhanced learning
  • Projects that develop pedagogy for using learning portfolios

Pre-proposals: Due March 26, 2019.

Instructional Technology staff will review pre-proposals (1 -2 paragraphs + purchase list) to make sure the proposed pilot is feasible or necessary. Instructional Technology may recommend alternate technologies, confirm that the university already possesses proposed technologies, and give advice on the project budget.

Final proposals: Due April 9, 2019.

No final proposals will be reviewed if a pre-proposal was not received and reviewed in advance.

More details, the Grant Proposal Guidelines, and electronic submission are available on the TLTR website at

TLTR Agenda, Wednesday, October 24, 3:30 – 4:45 PM, Holy Cross Hall 105

  1. Minutes from last meeting are available here:
  2. Call for TLTR Faculty Co-Chair for this academic year,
  3. Upcoming Event: Canvas Faculty Meetup, November 5, 12:30 – 2 pm, HCH 105
  4. Portfolium Demonstration and Call for Pilots (Learning Portfolios)
    1. Information about Pilots:
    2. Portfolium FAQ:
  5. 24 hour help desk support, Tony Chavez
  6. Online and Blended Learning at St. Edward’s University

Slides for this meeting are available here: