TLTR Conducts Faculty Survey in Spring 2019

The Teaching, Learning, and Technology Round Table (TLTR) is conducting a faculty survey to explore teaching, learning, and technology practices and interests.  Such a comprehensive faculty survey of teaching, learning, and technology has not been conducted for five years (since fall 2013).

The TLTR asks that you take some time–about 15 – 20 minutes–to complete this survey. The survey has 8 sections: Educational Approaches, Online & Blended Teaching, Online & Digital Technology Use, Learning Management Systems, Learning Spaces, In-class Computer Use Policy, Barriers & Other Comments, and a Demographic Section. 

We recognize and appreciate the time you are committing to this project.  To thank you for your service, you are eligible to be entered into a random drawing for gift cards from Jo’s Coffee House.  Drawings will take place weekly while the survey is open.  The survey will be available January 7 – February 10, 2019.

Faculty members (both contract and adjunct) will receive email invites requesting that they complete the survey.  Expect to receive an initial invitation, as well as several reminders while the survey is open (January 7 – February 10, 2019).

Data from this survey will inform:

  • faculty development planning, such as grants, fellowships, and training
  • prioritization of academic technology spending
  • planned classroom technology refresh over next 3-4 years
  • formal and informal learning space design
  • student technology requirements
Survey responses and data may be used for possible publication purposes in the future No individual, identifiable survey data will shared, and names of those entering the raffle will not be recorded with survey data. In addition to TLTR members, aggregate results will also be made available to individual schools, the Office of Academic Affairs, the Office of Information Technology, and other offices upon request. 
If you have questions about the survey, please contact a member of the TLTR Faculty Survey subcommittee:
  • Rebecca Davis
  • Mike Disch
  • Julie James
  • Liz Johnson

To request data, please contact TLTR Co-Chair, Rebecca Davis.

TLTR Agenda, Wednesday, December 12, 3:30 – 4:45 PM, Holy Cross Hall 105

  1. Minutes from last meeting are available here: 
  2. Spring 2019 Meeting Schedule.  Based on teaching schedules the following times are possible:
    1. MWF at 11 am
    2. TR 2 and 3:30 pm
    3. F 2 and 3:30 pm
  3. Member Updates from Schools and Administrative Divisions/Departments.  For your school or administrative division/department/unit, please briefly describe the following:
      • initiatives relevant to technology coming in the next year for your school, 
      • any challenges or concerns.
    • Arts and Humanities
    • Behavioral and Social Sciences
    • Human Development and Education
    • Munday School of Business
    • Natural Sciences
    • Center for Teaching Excellence
    • Student Academic Support Services
    • Library
    • Registrar
    • OIT
  4. Technology Needs (small group discussion).  One function of the TLTR is prioritizing technology needs on campus. Outcome: first pass at list of technology needs.

TLTR Agenda, Wednesday, October 24, 3:30 – 4:45 PM, Holy Cross Hall 105

  1. Minutes from last meeting are available here:
  2. Call for TLTR Faculty Co-Chair for this academic year,
  3. Upcoming Event: Canvas Faculty Meetup, November 5, 12:30 – 2 pm, HCH 105
  4. Portfolium Demonstration and Call for Pilots (Learning Portfolios)
    1. Information about Pilots:
    2. Portfolium FAQ:
  5. 24 hour help desk support, Tony Chavez
  6. Online and Blended Learning at St. Edward’s University

Slides for this meeting are available here:

Call for Nominations for Interim Faculty Co-Chair for 2018 – 2019

Call for Nominations for Interim Faculty Co-Chair, to serve for the remainder of the academic year (2018-2019). 
TLTR members should nominate candidates by emailing, after verifying the candidate’s willingness to run, by Friday, October 26.
  • Candidates should be faculty members, but do not have to be current or past members of the TLTR.
  • Candidates will be asked to accept their nomination and submit a brief statement (written or video) of why they want to serve by Friday, November 2
  • These statements will be circulated to voting faculty members of the TLTR.
TLTR members who are faculty** will vote by secret ballot online via a Qualtrics survey, with final votes due by Friday, November 9, 2018.


**Please note that since this is the faculty co-chair position, only faculty members of the current TLTR are eligible to vote.

TLTR Agenda, Wednesday, October 3, 3:30-4:45 PM, Holy Cross Hall 105

  1. Minutes from last year are available here:
  2. Call for TLTR Faculty Co-Chair for this academic year
  3. Recap of Virtual Discussion on setting course dates in Canvas (passed)
  4. Call for members for Canvas working group
  5. Upcoming Event: Combatting the Mid-Semester Slump, 10/10/18, 1 – 2 PM, HCH 105
    1. Register online here: ttps://
  6. Portfolium Pilot (Learning Portfolio)
  7. Making, Makerspace, and Potential Pilots
  8. TLTR Faculty Survey Feedback
    1. Google Doc for Feedback: (only open to TLTR members)

Proposed New Canvas Start and End Dates

The following proposal is for TLTR virtual discussion in September 2018. Please share your feedback by Thursday, September 27, 2018.

Proposed New Canvas Start and End Dates

The Office of Information Technology (OIT) now has the ability to adjust automatically the “Start” and “End” date on courses in Canvas each semester. (This change would not affect these dates in Banner.) Currently, the “Start” and “End” dates in Canvas are automatically set from Banner to be the first date the class meets in the classroom and the last date the class meets in the classroom, which does not include final exams. Students cannot interact with content in Canvas or be notified of messages or announcements outside of these dates, even if the course is published.  Many faculty manually change the start and end dates, so this change would remove the need to do that for each class each semester, which would save faculty members time.

Why make a change?

  • Faculty who publish their course on Canvas before the Start date in Canvas cannot use Canvas Messages or Announcements to send welcome messages.
  • Students cannot access course content to view the Syllabus or review needed course materials before the start date, even if the course is published.
  • At the end of the semester, students may still need to submit final projects or review course materials after the “End” date but before grades are due.
  • OIT Support receives many calls at the beginning and end of semesters from students who cannot access needed course materials.

Proposed Change

This automatic adjustment would be implemented each semester when classes are first loaded in Canvas, which occurs shortly before registration for the next semester. Because this date adjustment only occurs once per semester, any courses that are added after that time, will still have the Banner Start and End dates (based on the first and last class meetings), and faculty would need to make any change manually.

OIT proposes to adjust course dates in Canvas as follows:

  • Start Date: One week before the official first class meeting in Banner.
  • End Date: Three weeks after the last class meeting in Banner. Note: The revised End Date allows students access through the final exam and grading period for both 7-week and full-semester courses.

What won’t change

  • Faculty will still need to publish their courses in Canvas before students have access.
  • Faculty can still adjust the Start and Ends dates manually in their Canvas Settings to fit their class.

Input Requested

  1. Does the TLTR approve of this change in general?
  2. Does the TLTR approve of the specific start and end dates that have been proposed? (Dates are based on previous input solicited from faculty.)

TLTR Agenda, Tuesday, May 1, 2 PM, Holy Cross Hall 105

  1. Minutes for the last meeting will be available online:
  2. Reminder: need nominations for co-chair position ASAP
    1. Call for Nominations:
  3. Password Policy fully approved. Look for reminders to change password beginning May 16. 
    1. In accordance with the new university Password Policy, OIT will begin enforcing expiration of passwords in May. Going forward, everyone at the university will be required to change their St. Edward’s passwords at least once a year. Thirty days before your password is set to expire, you’ll begin to receive notifications each time you log in to services or applications using your university account. Allowing your password to expire will mean being locked out of university services until you reset it. We encourage you to get ahead of the game — particularly if you haven’t updated your password within the last year — and change your password at
    2. Announcement Handout for sharing:
  4. GSuite Announcement (It’s coming June 25!)
  5. POW Committee report 
  6. Makerspaces
    1. 2016 Horizon Report excerpt on Makerspaces:
  7. Pilot Presentations (10 minutes each)
    1. Katie Goldey & Raelynn Deaton Haynes (2:35)
    2. Kate Lopez (2:45)
    3. Amy Concilio (2:55)
    4. Bill Quinn (3:05)