- Summer 2020 Online Coordination Workgroup
- Communication Plan (Kyndal Soto)
- Charge
- Update
- Review and Feedback on FAQ (see draft document in our shared drive)
- OLC Scorecard for Online Student Support
- Draft Learning Spaces Working Group Call for Participants (see draft document in our shared drive)
- feedback needed before 2/19/20 then please recruit
- Announcements
- Teaching Online Faculty Learning Community
- Innovation Fellowship deadline extended to Monday, February 17
- CFP and Guidelines
- Application process shortened to reduce barriers for faculty
- New Topper Technology Survey launched 2/3/20: Preview it here
- TLTR Pilots subcommittee meeting 2/12/20; expect CFP soon after
Category Archives: Meetings
Revised Spring 2020 Meeting Schedule for TLTR
Due to some unforeseen conflicts, we have made some changes to the Spring 2020 Meeting Schedule for TLTR.
The new TLTR meeting schedule for Spring 2020 will be as follows:
- January: Virtual Meeting, with input due by January 31
- Freshman Technology Survey & TLTR Pilots
- Summer 2020 Online, Student Readiness
Spring 2020 Meeting Schedule for the TLTR
The TLTR meeting schedule for Spring 2020 will be as follows:
- Wednesday, January 29 at 3:30 pm
TLTR Agenda, Friday, December 6, 2019, 12 pm, Premont 110
Meeting Theme: Learning Spaces
- Qwickly Pilot
- Pilot Report
- Guests: Drew Loewe and Bob Bryant
- Learning Spaces
- Learning Spaces update (Laura Lucas)
- Proposed Learning Spaces Working Group (breakout discussions)
- group membership
- work for this group
- goals and talking points
- Report out and Recommendations
TLTR Agenda, Friday, November 15, 2019, 12 pm, Premont 110
Topic: Student Readiness
- Includes report from OIT Student Advisory Board Discussion
- Tim Braun
- Jack Green-Musselman
- Drew Loewe
- Georgia Seminet
Minutes from the last meeting are available here: https://sites.stedwards.edu/tltr/minutes/
Topic for December: Learning Spaces
TLTR Agenda, Friday, October 25, 2019, 12 pm, Premont 110
Fall 2019 Meeting Schedule for the TLTR
The TLTR meeting schedule for Fall 2019 will be as follows:
- First Meeting: Virtual
Lunch will be provided.
TLTR Agenda, Tuesday, April 23, 2019, 2 – 3:15 pm, Premont 110
The next meeting of the TLTR will take place in Premont 110, which is entered through Premont 102. Here is the agenda:
- Faculty Gathering, Tuesday, April 30, 4-6 pm, Mabee Ballrooms, http://sites.stedwards.edu/instructionaltechnology/2019/04/22/faculty-recognition-gathering-43019-4-6-pm/
- AccessU, Wednesday, May 15 to Friday, May 17, 2019, St. Edwards University, https://knowbility.org/programs/accessu/ FREE FACULTY PASSES AVAILABLE. Contact Brenda Adrian by Friday, April 26
- Save the date: 2019 Innovation Institute will be held May 20-29, 2019. Workshops will be open to all faculty and are listed here: http://sites.stedwards.edu/innovationfellowship/workshops-2019/
TLTR Pilots
Subcommittee will meet Friday to review.
2019-2020 TLTR Members
Please confirm membership for 2019-2020.
Online Learning Policies
TLTR members should report input from colleagues around the following topics:
- Do we need discussion or guidelines around courses that are designed with someone else teaching it, e.g., ownership of material and intellectual property, course maintenance, faculty compensation, instructional design services?
Digital Skills
The New Foundational Skills of the Digital Economy: Developing the Professionals of the Future, Report from Burning Glass. https://www.burning-glass.com/wp-content/uploads/New_Foundational_Skills.pdf
TLTR Agenda, Tuesday, March 26, 2019, 2 – 3:15 pm, Premont 110
The next meeting of the TLTR will take place in Premont 110, which is entered through Premont 102. Here is the agenda:
- Canvas faculty meet up, Wednesday, March 27, 2019, 12:30pm – 2pm, Holy Cross Hall Room 101, Lunch Provided. RSVP: http://bit.ly/CanvasMeetup
- Integrated Case Management (advising technology) — Demo and Discussion. March 26 and 27, 12 – 1 pm, Jones Auditorium
- AccessU, Wednesday, May 15 to Friday, May 17, 2019, St. Edwards University, https://knowbility.org/programs/accessu/ FREE FACULTY PASSES AVAILABLE. Contact Brenda Adrian.
- Save the date: 2019 Innovation Institute will be held May 20-31, 2019. Workshops will be open to all faculty.
Upcoming Deadlines
- TLTR pilots: https://sites.stedwards.edu/tltr/pilot-projects/guidelines/
- Pre-proposals due 3/26/19 (just need a paragraph)
- Final proposals due 4/9/19
- Innovation Fellowships: http://sites.stedwards.edu/innovationfellowship/cfp-and-guidelines-2019/
- Proposals due 4/9/19
Preparation for Webex decommissioning in October 2019.
Requests for Input
Proposed classroom renovation project (Laura Lucas)
Innovation Fellowship CFP includes the following call:
- Online General Education Course Offerings: Creating flexible options to help students complete their degrees in a timely manner by offering general education online, especially in the summer.
For the April TLTR meeting, please seek input from colleagues around the following topics.
- Do we need discussion or guidelines around courses that are designed with someone else teaching it, e.g., ownership of material and intellectual property, course maintenance, faculty compensation, instructional design services?
Reducing barriers for faculty
- Top 10 help desk tickets for faculty
- Faculty Communications in Workplace (Guest: Mischelle Diaz, Senior Director of Communication)
- Faculty survey results: supports and barriers
Future Discussions
The New Foundational Skills of the Digital Economy: Developing the Professionals of the Future, Report from Burning Glass. https://www.burning-glass.com/wp-content/uploads/New_Foundational_Skills.pdf
TLTR Agenda, Tuesday, February 26, 2019, 2 – 3:15 pm, Premont 110
The next meeting of the TLTR will take place in Premont 110, which is entered through Premont 102. Here is the agenda:
- Preliminary results of Faculty Survey
- Updates on prioritizing technology needs discussion in the Munday School of Business
- Prioritizing needs within the category of “UX or Make Life Easier or Stuff Should Work Well + Management Systems” . (See the minutes from the last meeting for items that were listed in that category.)