
Mission Statement (adopted 11/21/2000)

The Teaching, Learning and Technology Roundtable (TLTR) is a forum composed of faculty, staff and students that serves the SEU community by assessing, discussing and prioritizing technology needs in order to collaboratively develop a vision to improve the learning process. In keeping with the mission of the university the TLTR recommends appropriate policies and strategies and facilitates the acquisition and implementation of technology resources.

Description for the Faculty Manual (Revised 2015)

X Other University Committees

Faculty routinely serve on university committees that are independent of the Collegium and whose
membership selection is not overseen by the FEAC. These committees include the following:
D) Teaching, Learning, and Technology Roundtable (TLTR)
1) The TLTR is composed of faculty members, at least one dean, a representative appointed by student government, and representatives from staff areas that support and/or draw on teaching and/or learning-focused technologies, such as the Library and Information Technology.  Faculty representatives either volunteer their service or are appointed by their organizational unit, such that each school (BSS, EDUC, HUM, MSB, NSCI), the faculty senate, and New College have representation. The TLTR faculty members elect a co-chair to serve with a co-chair from staff areas.
2) The TLTR serves the SEU community by assessing, discussing, and prioritizing technology needs in order to collaboratively develop a vision to improve the educational process and the global learning ecosystem. In keeping with the mission of the university, the TLTR recommends appropriate policies and strategies, and gives advice on the acquisition and implementation of technology resources