Agenda for TLTR Meeting, Friday, December 8, 11 am – 12:15 pm

Our next TLTR meeting is Friday, December 8, 11 am – 12:15 pm on Zoom.

Reflecting on a Semester with ChatGPT

It’s been a year since ChatGPT arrived, and we’ve just completed a semester of full use with AI syllabus policies.  The Teaching, Learning, and Technology Roundtable (TLTR) will host a conversation to debrief where we are and what actions we need to take.  What have you noticed about the use of generative AI on campus? What has gone well? What are the challenges? Where do we need more guidance? What can the TLTR do to help faculty, staff and students adjust to generative AI? Join us Friday, December 8. 11 am – 12:15 pm on Zoom to discuss. For those who can’t make it, please share your input here: (Requires St. Edward’s log-in.)