Do you like to try new technologies or new teaching ideas? Would you like some funding? Do you have an idea but aren’t quite sure how to put it together? Come to the TLTR pilot grant brainstorming session on Wednesday, February 26, 3:30-4:30 pm in Holy Cross 101, and TLTR members will help you workshop your idea. The TLTR will be awarding Technology for Innovative Learning & Teaching Pilot Project Grants worth up to $5,000 each to fund innovative teaching projects that incorporate new technologies and can be used as a model for other faculty. By the end of the brainstorming session, participants will submit or be ready to submit their Statement of Interest (due March 6). Snacks will be provided.
For more information about the grants see the guidelines. Final applications are due April 6, 2020. Total application length is around 1200 words, not counting name, contact, course information, and purchase list.