TLTR Agenda, Wednesday, December 12, 3:30 – 4:45 PM, Holy Cross Hall 105

  1. Minutes from last meeting are available here: 
  2. Spring 2019 Meeting Schedule.  Based on teaching schedules the following times are possible:
    1. MWF at 11 am
    2. TR 2 and 3:30 pm
    3. F 2 and 3:30 pm
  3. Member Updates from Schools and Administrative Divisions/Departments.  For your school or administrative division/department/unit, please briefly describe the following:
      • initiatives relevant to technology coming in the next year for your school, 
      • any challenges or concerns.
    • Arts and Humanities
    • Behavioral and Social Sciences
    • Human Development and Education
    • Munday School of Business
    • Natural Sciences
    • Center for Teaching Excellence
    • Student Academic Support Services
    • Library
    • Registrar
    • OIT
  4. Technology Needs (small group discussion).  One function of the TLTR is prioritizing technology needs on campus. Outcome: first pass at list of technology needs.