Week 4 Reflection

My group and I are discussing the wicked problem ‘homelessness.’ A lot of people know that homelessness exists but don’t know the truth and economical reasons behind it. They are quick to stereotype all the homeless people as druggies, but in a lot of cases, this is not the situation. With the aid of photography, it can work as a tool for educating the public of the harmful conditions they live in and provoke emotion for action to be taken to a step closer to a solution. One of the main issues of homelessness is the connotation towards the problem. This makes a loop of poverty that makes it unlikely for those people to get out of the cycle. With an education in photography, it makes for a speed bump and helps break the negative connotation associated with the problem.

Austin CAN Presentation on Sept 12

In Raul Alvarez’s presentation on Monday, I was interested in how he stated the Community Advancement Network (CAN) attempts to improve the socioeconomics of Austin, and how the group not only does this but also keeps records and spreads awareness throughout the community. There are a lot of big problems in the growing city of Austin and having an organization, in the beginning, to track down problems, will let Austin continue to prosper instead of becoming too much of a hassle to handle itself. After hearing this presentation, I was pleased by the work of Alvarez and his comembers of the organization.

As a citizen, and as a city in whole, it is important to explore wicked problems that are local to stop it in its tracks. This will keep Austin, the home of many, up to par in its reputation and attract more technological growth and prosper throughout the families who live here. Solving wicked problems on a municipal level helps massively because it reveals solutions that can be translated globally, and improve well-being in various countries.

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