Step B – Blog/Reflection


I learned that we all have different ideas when it comes to fixing the problems with transportation. Some of us think more on a city wide scale and others think it should be more individualized. The questions we had were how the rickshaws down town effect how people get around and if they were actively being chosen as alternatives to cars and taxi’s. I feel the problem of transportation in Austin needs major city intervention and an upgrade of roads around the city to relieve the areas currently affected by the flow of traffic. We also discussed if people use services such as uber and lyft more than they use taxis. We talked about Proposition 1 and how that affects the city by putting in new bike only lanes and also how many people use bikes over cars and other services in the city. We also discussed how income effects people and how they choose to traverse the city and what areas were most popular among certain incomes. We determined that no one solution is possible to benefit everyone and some solutions may help most but inhibit others from doing things. Lastly we discussed the effectiveness of the Austin Metro and how its rail services benefit the city.

Step B – Blog/Reflection

I am still waiting on replies from people I have attempted to interview. I looked into legislation being debated to help make some areas of the city less congested and took a look at construction zones and how long the usually take to complete their work to see how long they usually inhibit traffic flow. I have sent out three emails and so far have gotten no replies as of yet. I learned that many people believe congestion is directly related to I-35 running through the city causing there to be high volumes of people using the city as a place to rest from their travels. Some residents also believe that the growth of business and neglect to update roads is the main cause of congestion in the city. Many people in this city have very different ideas as to what the major cause of traffic congestion is. Together they make a very significant problem that the city of Austin needs to address to keep the city running smoothly. The most common answer among locals are that certain intersections in popular areas of town receive an overload of people trying to participate in the activities in that particular area like intersections near popular restaurants and movie theaters.