Researching this wicked problem has been challenging and also fun at times. It was challenging finding the right people to interview and putting all of the information we got together.

I believe that our presentation went smoothly and was concise as we presented it to the people that came by. It was a little bit stressful beforehand when my partner, Raquel and I, were practicing presenting. But as soon as the timer started ticking down and people were coming by our table, we calmed down and had a lot of fun. (The food was pretty gucci too!)

Researching this wicked problem has made me realize that a lot of the people in Austin are not able to attain affordable housing. There is also a really large homeless population that isn’t being taken care of and they live in really horrible conditions. The two homeless people that my group interviewed was a really eye-opening experience because you don’t usually get to hear their point of view of their situation. It also made me feel bad for them because they seemed really embarrassed to be in that situation, one of them not expecting it at all.

One of the main questions for not only our wicked problem but everyone’s wicked problem, is how we can fix this situation or possibly alleviate some of the pain from these people? My current thoughts on this situation are very conflicted because I want to use all of my willpower that I have to help these people but there are just some irreversible situations. One of the main things that I wish I could do is to give these homeless people a good chance at getting a job that will help pay their bills, find housing, or simply just food.

Here’s some spectacular pictures of our project: [ highest quality possible 😉 ]:

1566_1480974272005Us being super stylish

1568_1480974275697Our brochures that feature a homeless man on the front

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