1. Between the two alumni presentations that were given last Monday, I would say that Camille Dollins’ presentation resonated more with me. I feel like I related the most with her because I feel like I could have walked down a very similar path to her. I’m currently trying to double major in ARTS and IGST thanks to double dipping, and she would have done ARTS and GDES if she could. I really enjoyed how genuine and authentic she was when addressing the mental and physical issues, and how everything in her Lucine box was made herself. Before college, when I had a lot of time to make art and craft things, I felt the desire to make so many different things and learn how to make all different things by hand by myself. I would have loved to make a box like that and go through the process of learning how to create a variety of things myself.
  2. Camille Dollins surprised me with how much business she integrated into her Lucine project. I never imagined that the senior project could become something so big that it directly leads to a business. She seemed really ambitious and it was very inspiring. Since I’m in the process of trying to declare a second major in ARTS, I’ve yet to figure out what the ARTS major is really like, so this was a really awesome look into what kind of things I can expect.
  3. The most valuable piece of advice that I received was probably the advice that Camille gave about internships and projects. She warned us about agreeing to do projects in too short of a timeframe as well as warning us about letting your client sit in during your artistic process when she was telling her story about the fashion magazine. While she was talking about her internships, she warned us about making sure that we aren’t being taken advantage of, and to remember that your work is valuable even if people aren’t being grateful for it. I really appreciated her insights about what to look out for in our professional pursuits.