Interactive Game Studies & Studio Art major

Month October 2016

VISU 1100: Blog Post #8

My future is somewhat planned out. I have my 4 year plan made, I’m set on my majors, I have my summer classes planned out as well as housing and jobs for the next couple years. I know where I’d… Continue Reading →

Blog Post #7

Between the two alumni presentations that were given last Monday, I would say that Camille Dollins’ presentation resonated more with me. I feel like I related the most with her because I feel like I could have walked down a… Continue Reading →

VISU 1100 – Blog Post #6

For each class ask yourself the following: My greatest strengths in IGST 2399 – Video Game History include: Note taking and processing with the lectures and homework. I’ve gotten a good grade on every assignment so far, so I’m in… Continue Reading →

VISU1100 Blog Post #5

As I’m majoring in Interactive Game Studies, I’m not currently in any art studio or visual studies courses. In high school, I took AP Drawing and got a 5 on my portfolio, so I received credit for Drawing 1 and an… Continue Reading →

VISU 1100 – Blog Post #4

Part 1 Faith Robbins: Faith had a really nice presentation! She was very charismatic and fun to listen to. I was really impressed by her work, especially since I just recently completed the photography assignment for ARTS 1311; I know… Continue Reading →

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