The Social Media Experience

Recently, one of the most popular social media sites, Facebook, has come under some scrutiny. There are talks that Facebook is no longer relevant, it’s dying out, and that no one except elderly people use it anymore. Personally, I still use Facebook quite a bit, and I don’t consider myself to be elderly, given that I’m in my mid-twenties and that I’m a senior in college. A thought I have about this new notion, however, is that could it be that our generation is used to having things when they want it at the exact time they want it? Could it be that millennial’s are so used to keeping up with advancing technologies, including social media, that Facebook is being seen as just a waste of time?

Personally, I like getting on Facebook. It gives me the opportunity to keep in touch with friends that aren’t living in the same state or let alone the same country as me, and it’s simply another form of communication. Do I keep in touch with EVERYONE on Facebook, no, but I do like to peruse my feed to see what everyone’s up to; I guess you can call it  a form of people watching, or Facebook stalking…I prefer people watching.

Facebook not only has it’s advantages for keeping in touch with friends and loved ones, it also has great tools to intimately connect with your customers depending on your company, or if you don’t believe it’s helping then there are others that have come up with theories on why Facebook may not be helping your company. Nevertheless whatever help you believe Facebook is doing for you, I’m going to focus on what it CAN do for you.

One of the biggest problems people have with social media, especially Facebook, is the amount of time it takes to run it. It’s no wonder they’re positions solely for Social Media Strategist today, it really does take a lot of time. You can’t just expect to put a page up and have it run itself.  This article by Michael Walker, Social Media Platforms Help Businesses  Engage Customers, explains the in’s and out’s of Facebook. He explains that by establishing a presence on your social media outlet and doing a little each day will help engage and grow your page to ultimately help spread the word about your business. Walker also states that , “Facebook lets you post countless varieties of tidbits, from pictures of company events to customer reviews. More than half of businesses are on Facebook, because it’s the oldest of the high-profile media, and many business owners had personal accounts that made them comfortable with the technology. And with so many consumers on Facebook, you’re likelier to find a broad reach,”(

One thing I’d like to focus on that Walker stated in his article is that so many business owners had a personal account on Facebook before they had a business account, so they’re comfortable with the media, they know how to use it. Why not take something that you were comfortable with expand on that knowledge so that you can use it to your advantage for your business? Promoting your business isn’t about finding the next “new” social media platform to promote your business, it’s about utilizing what you already have and focusing on perfecting it, to then learn other ways you can promote your business.

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