Turning Blog Traffic into Followers

When the average user is browsing through blogs and happens to come across your’s, its more than likely that person will not follow your specific but instead move on through the blog network… never to return again.
But there are simple ways to combat this abandonment, that will increase your amount of followers and improve your blog’s credibility.

The Tips:
1. Add a “Follow” button in an area that viewers will easily see right away.

I know it’s annoying sometimes to be that person that shamelessly promotes their blog on end… but there is a tasteful tactic that you can always utilize without that guilt: just place a follow button in the right area!
Its common for users to jump from topic to topic, article to article sometimes when you get distracted on the internet. Why not position yourself as a reliable source of information that your user will actually enjoy? Be there for your audience; when they are intrigued with your posts they may want more stories like so… take that opportunity to be that blog/twitter/facebook/ etc!

2. Use a pop up notification asking the user to follow you.

As long as you don’t have that pop-up music (that loads really slow on your blog) I’m sure it’d be okay with a kind little pop-up that reminds your viewer ‘Hey, I do exist! And I ‘d appreciate that follow!’ After all, why not? The individual can close it in seconds if you’re no their type, but most likely they are in the first place if they’re on your site! And I always say, embrace optimism when given the chance.

3. Make an effort to mention your Twitter handle when making new posts.

Twitter is an ever-expanding site that includes a myriad amount of users who are ready to gain followers; you are not in the minority when it comes to individuals that want to increase their follower base. Instead of being one of those who follow thousands in hopes of getting thousands of follow-backs, promote your Twitter handle on your blog! The people who end up on your blog are excited to be there for the same reasons you posted the blog int he first place. Aiming for randoms is desperate, especially when you can devote your time with people who share your same interests!

4. Promote yourself positively through offers and contest prizes!

Sounds terrifying of course if you have nothing to offer! But maybe this is why creating content is so utterly important! Once you establish yourself as a particular brand and company start promotion of that band through your blogosphere. Get visitors motivated with coupons and discounts to your blog’s store and supportive entities if possible! Freebies are fun for everyone 🙂

5. Attract more social media traffic through inciting or interactive topics.

Inciting! Interactive! Intriguing! (All ridiculously thesaurus-loving “I”- words!) Be prepared to be relevant. In a world nowadays where being “irrelevant” can be the biggest diss ever… you should be up and up on what’s trending and popular in community in order to connect your name and product with an effective tag. Don’t be boring and don’t be generic. But if you want to keep your audience happy its also important to refrain from being insensitive when it comes to serious situations that appear to be trending in the media; there’s nothing more disgusting than pushing your brand on through the utilization of tragedy. Be mindful. Don’t underestimate common sense!

Don’t Let your Social Media Backfire: Be Enjoyable

It is obvious to us that social media is a crucial part of Public Relations management these days. But what can happen when this resource is overused? Can social media ruin your message if it appears in overabundance? Can you annoy your followers with posting overload? Are all these questions rhetorical?


Experts have come up with 5 rules that any PR professional should follow to keep a positive online presence:

1. Don’t post too frequently.
2. Commit to relationships and a specific type of brand personality.
3. Keep all professional and personal accounts separate!
4. Everyone who posts needs to be aware of the company’s policies.
5. Don’t get too political. Your personal beliefs are not always on par with your followers.

And because my blog posts need to be more in depth, I will reflect on why these rules should be followed and not ignored:

1. Don’t post too frequently:

Honestly? You come off as desperate. How many times have you logged onto Facebook and had to click the “Unfollow” button because some company wants to post 8 times a day? Not every site works like Twitter… and posting too much just takes up my feed away from people and/or organizations I actually want to hear about. So take the high road and post less frequently, you don’t want your brand to be considered SPAM (augh).

2. Commit to relationships  and a specific type of brand personality.

In my PR courses there is nothing repeated more than “focus on your target audience” (I swear, its every class. And now I can’t look at any brand anymore without thinking of their target market). So, with that in mind, start thinking about personifying your brand as the type of entity that your target audience would want to be friends with or would enjoy reading posts from. Candy companies aim to be goofy, energy drinks want to be bold, healthy food markets talk to you like you’re chef already… etc. But remember this goes beyond your posts as well, be aware of your brand’s endorsements and charities you support. There’s no better way to keep your followers interested.

3 & 4. Keep all professional and personal accounts separate! And everyone who posts needs to be aware of the company’s policies.

Keep accounts separate, it gives you privacy (you are not your brand, your brand is not you). Make sure anyone else who represents your brand as well is not about to send out false information or make your name look unprofessional. I don’t really think I need to explain this one but when in doubt: consult your common sense.

5.  Don’t get too political. Your personal beliefs are not always on par with your followers.

This should always be a golden rule of Public Relations. Let’s face it, no one wants to hear your personal beliefs blabbered out through your brand’s social media; you’ll just sound one sided… no matter what side you’re on. There will always be customers who don’t agree with you, and that’s one simple way to lose business. Now, I’m not suggesting that you can’t have certain opinions that guide how you use your brand. But instead of getting into politics (which is usually a such a downer anyway) focus on positive influences and activity your brand engages in, like charities that make everyone happy. Build your followers up through community; don’t divide them with irrelevant banter.