Tumblr beats out Facebook and Twitter when Apple finally chose to Debut

It has been common knowledge that the Facebook user population is slowly being replaced by younger people with older people. And we all know Twitter’s audience is wide-spread and often used by adults. But what about Tumblr? The sneaky little blog site that captures the attention of tweens and teens?
Turns out that this site is where Apple has decided to debut it’s social media presence. Tumblr is known for its creative features, allowing users to personalize their blogs accordingly. This is the first time that a huge brand will be infiltrating the blog site and attempt to establish themselves as someone worth following. Because Apple is known for its creative efforts and aesthetic strategy, both company’s are optimistic about their future together.

Turning Blog Traffic into Followers

When the average user is browsing through blogs and happens to come across your’s, its more than likely that person will not follow your specific but instead move on through the blog network… never to return again.
But there are simple ways to combat this abandonment, that will increase your amount of followers and improve your blog’s credibility.

The Tips:
1. Add a “Follow” button in an area that viewers will easily see right away.

I know it’s annoying sometimes to be that person that shamelessly promotes their blog on end… but there is a tasteful tactic that you can always utilize without that guilt: just place a follow button in the right area!
Its common for users to jump from topic to topic, article to article sometimes when you get distracted on the internet. Why not position yourself as a reliable source of information that your user will actually enjoy? Be there for your audience; when they are intrigued with your posts they may want more stories like so… take that opportunity to be that blog/twitter/facebook/ etc!

2. Use a pop up notification asking the user to follow you.

As long as you don’t have that pop-up music (that loads really slow on your blog) I’m sure it’d be okay with a kind little pop-up that reminds your viewer ‘Hey, I do exist! And I ‘d appreciate that follow!’ After all, why not? The individual can close it in seconds if you’re no their type, but most likely they are in the first place if they’re on your site! And I always say, embrace optimism when given the chance.

3. Make an effort to mention your Twitter handle when making new posts.

Twitter is an ever-expanding site that includes a myriad amount of users who are ready to gain followers; you are not in the minority when it comes to individuals that want to increase their follower base. Instead of being one of those who follow thousands in hopes of getting thousands of follow-backs, promote your Twitter handle on your blog! The people who end up on your blog are excited to be there for the same reasons you posted the blog int he first place. Aiming for randoms is desperate, especially when you can devote your time with people who share your same interests!

4. Promote yourself positively through offers and contest prizes!

Sounds terrifying of course if you have nothing to offer! But maybe this is why creating content is so utterly important! Once you establish yourself as a particular brand and company start promotion of that band through your blogosphere. Get visitors motivated with coupons and discounts to your blog’s store and supportive entities if possible! Freebies are fun for everyone 🙂

5. Attract more social media traffic through inciting or interactive topics.

Inciting! Interactive! Intriguing! (All ridiculously thesaurus-loving “I”- words!) Be prepared to be relevant. In a world nowadays where being “irrelevant” can be the biggest diss ever… you should be up and up on what’s trending and popular in community in order to connect your name and product with an effective tag. Don’t be boring and don’t be generic. But if you want to keep your audience happy its also important to refrain from being insensitive when it comes to serious situations that appear to be trending in the media; there’s nothing more disgusting than pushing your brand on through the utilization of tragedy. Be mindful. Don’t underestimate common sense!

Facebook group of Servicemen set out to Stop Bad Posts

So here’s a story I thought was awesome… and it includes retroactive Public Relations so its very relevant and entertaining.
Ever since a very relaxed Tariqka Sheffey posted a selfie stating she would rather lay down in her car than salute the 1700 Flag, some dedicated military members have took it upon themselves to make a difference.. and they went to Facebook to do so.  The group is called “Military Social Media Idiots” and the battle does not challenge their fellow servicemen’s combat skills, but rather their intelligence.

Another poor decision by Tariqka:

Tariqka Sheffey

In the (now viral) Instagram post, Tariqka went on in ALL CAPS (because that’s how you indicate real talk) to say “keep all your that’s so disrespectful/how rude/etc comments to yourself,” but the Military Social Media Idiots group are glad to make those comments. Bad decisions on social media are often the sources for scandal. And after noticing that some soldiers were blatantly disgracing their own uniform online, the group began with their mission of protecting the reputation of U.S. servicemen. They are not going to to be happy with any offensive material coming from Americans in uniform and have already found many who agree with them. The group has gotten followers involved with both comments and support. In fact, after just one month of operation the group scored 19,580 likes and counting. But hey, they will not rest until servicemen with bad taste do! They actively ask their fans for notification when a post by a military member comes across as profane, racially-charged, or perverted. One comment I read from a supporter (anonymous serviceman) said, “You were brought up this morning in the nco meeting. Our soldiers are terrified of yall.” Sounds like a good move by an inside-party if you ask me.

Oh, and as for our poor Tariqka?
If worst came to worst, she could be tried by a court martial (military court) for insubordination or failure to obey regulations which could cost her two years in prison. Fortunately, it is unlikely such things will take place for this young servicewoman. Instead I just hope she can learn from this experience and refrain from following her philosophy of “IDGAFFFFF” when it comes to Instagram selfies and captions (why quotes? that was part of the caption… you don’t believe me? ok, HERE.)