Social Media, Spring Break Edition!

This event is going to be a little different than my past ones, because I am not focusing on one specific festival or concert. This post is going to be about how social media has affected spring break.

This is it the time of year that many students anxiously await, SPRING BREAK! An exotic vacation, a road trip with friends, or simply just catching up on some sleep seems to trend most student’s itineraries for the week break from school. For folks in Texas and beyond, the Gulf of Mexico has been one of the most popular spring break destinations. South Padre Island, in particular, draws thousands of people each year. With so many people in one location it becomes a challenge to meet up with friends, to find people you may know, or even to stay together with the people you are there with. Social media plays a huge part in events such as spring break. After doing a bit of research and going off my personal experience, social media has become a huge part of spring break. Let me break it down here:

 Where’s the Party?

With sites such as Facebook, many people can be virtually “invited” to events online. When searching for things to go, specially in a place unfamiliar, it sometimes is a challenge to find out what is going on, where, and when, Facebook makes it easy to find all of this information in a few simple clicks.

Here is an example of how Coca Cola is using social media to invite Spring Breakers in South Padre Island to a beach party they are sponsoring:

Who’s Here?

With so many crowded into a town or city, sometimes keeping track of friends or meeting up becomes a problem. Back before social media, one may have to call each and every cell phone in hopes of finding a lost companion and then attempt to direct one another to a meeting place. Thankfully those days are over. Now if you need to find a friend quick you can log onto various social media sites, such as Facebook or Twitter and get a precise location of where people are using new “location” features on social media sites. There is also various applications for cellular devises out that are especially made to make “meeting up” or “finding someone” easier than ever.

Sharing the Memories

Social media has especially made sharing memories easier and quicker than ever before. No need to wait until you get back to school to exchange pictures with friends and family, now it can be done within seconds of snapping the picture. Through social media sites, people can share and exchange their vacation with the people they wish.


These are just a few of the many ways social media has affected spring break. Feel free to share your own social media experiences over spring break and have a good one!

Are you a vendor? Do you know any vendors? 
Promotional items are a great way to get noticed, especially at large events! 
Here are some great ideas of promotional items that would be perfect for attracting Spring Breakers! Or if you are going on spring break with a large group of friends, the ideas are endless!

Click on the image to be directly linked to where these, and other great promotional items can be bought.

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