Oh No

I’m kinda bad at everything and this isn’t limited to these journal posts. Recently I’ve lost a grip on what little study habits I’ve had recently. I’ve made bad decisions recently and I can’t say how much I regret because, well, it’s a lot. I feel drastic changes starting to happen in my social life, however, and I’m very okay with them. I’m happy about them in fact.

Anyways. I went home this weekend and I was the happiest I’ve been in a while. I visited my school for their homecoming game and got to see all my band kids! I connected with some friends I haven’t seen in a while and was able to relax with my parents and my pets. Coming back to school is sad, yes. But coming back just reminds me of how hard I must work to truly enjoy weekends such as last weekend. Things are actually looking up, despite how hard I am on myself or how emotional I may come off as. All I need to do is stay positive and take everything one day at a time!

Dogs on Campus

Seeing dogs on campus is therapeutic. I’ve never been in such a dog friendly place in my whole life and it really fills my heart with joy. I can’t help but think of my dogs back home and get a little sad but it’s okay. I’ve learned it’s okay to be sad sometimes.

Anyways, college is getting more real now and I’m not sure how I should feel about it. Classes are getting a little rough and the first round of exams kicked my butt. But I know to persevere because in the end everything will pay off. College is an endurance test and I want to come out alive and thriving.

I’ve continued to meet many wonderful people but I’m only really close friends with two. But you know what? That’s okay. I don’t need to be friends with every single person I come across and I don’t need to work to impress others like I did in high school.