Freshman Escape

This weekend I took a leap of faith. I went on the freshman escape with campus ministry. It was a wonderful opportunity to get away from reality for a couple of days. I really was able to self reflect and find inner peace among my peers.

I enjoyed the company of a small group and many people outside of my group who showed me so much kindness and understanding. I wouldn’t trade this experience for the world. I was really able to grow in my faith and reconnect with a side of myself that I’ve lost touch with. I’ve always considered myself to be a caring person but recently with the stress of college I’ve neglected putting others needs before my own as I usually do.

Thankfully this retreat brought me back to my morals and set of values and just in time too. It was a great weekend to get away and take a break from the hustle and bustle of university.

Away Igpay Ealday Aboutway Igpay Atinlay

Some friends of mine just got chipotle. Apparently chipotle just started making queso but it isn’t very good according to those same friends. Also chipotle prints pig latin on their bags. I thought that was fun.

I hope this message reaches you in time, but we are planning a little something, something in the residence hall. Here are the details, since we are on the subject of queso. LeMans hall second floor is throwing a queso party at 7 PM Monday night. It is a BYOC policy (bring your own chips). Spanish music will be provided.

We would love to see you. Hopefully you can come out, it will be a lot of fun. This is an extended invitation to you from the kids of 2nd floor LeMans.

Things Are Happening

Going home for a long weekend was a really pleasant experience yet it was very humbling. I realize not everyone has the same luxury as me to go home as they please. Some people here are from different countries, different parts of the country, and even farther parts of Texas. Not everyone is lucky enough to say that they do live in San Antonio, a convenient hour and a half away. I’ve learned to count my blessings.

The newness of college is still present, but now that I’m starting to find a rhythm in my new life I’m realizing that everything is very real and there’s so much more at stake now than in high school. I’ve already had many days of staying up all hours of the night just to keep up with my classes. I can’t afford to let my grades slip because for the first time in my life I’m actually paying to go to school. Not to mention, I’m looking to apply to dental school and I need to be a competitive applicant. There’s so much more at stake than anything high school could have prepared me for.

Regardless, I’m taking the challenge head on. I will not relent, I will persevere. I’m looking to get involved already. I’m looking for positive outlets such as campus ministry and club rowing. Things will look up for me, I know it.