Evaluation of Block 1

What I believe the bands My Bloody Valentine, Lush, and the Cocteau Twins have in common with the style of their music videos is that they try to use very distinct effects for their videos. The effects seemed to be experimental due to how different they are from other music videos I have seen. For example, the music video for “Heaven or Las Vegas” by the Cocteau Twins split the video to make room for three different images at once. I found the editing and the effects go well with the music. Videos from My Bloody Valentine were chaotic when the music would start to be chaotic.

The music for each band has music that goes for a calm tone. What helps the music keep this calm tone could be how the singers for these songs are hard to follow unless you look up the lyrics. There is less concentration for me on what the singers have to say as it comes off as gibberish.

I feel as though that the music that I was listening to was trying to calm me down. I was not really able to because the songs would use instruments in ways that I am not used to. “Only Shallow” by My Bloody Valentine could be considered relaxing, but the guitar riffs sound abysmal. This may be due to my preference of more traditional instruments and music genres. The Cocteau Twins were my preference out from the bands assigned. The songs were less experimental and less irritating to listen to for me.

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