VISU 1ST YR SEMINAR: Blog Post #12

Despite the inconvenience of having this seminar class once a week in the middle of my busy Mondays for an hour and forty-five minutes, I really have been enjoying this course. The professors make it very fun and amusing with their jokes towards one another. Not only are the conversations fun, but the learning part is as well, and it is very beneficial information. In a way, I see it as a chill seminar where I can come to learn about my art major in a fun and beneficial way. It relieves the stress and overwhelmingness that I get from the rest of my classes during the week. For example, the professors don’t just lecture for the whole class, they make it interesting by getting the learners involved and bringing guest speakers in almost every class. The speakers have been my favorite part about this class because we as learners are getting the knowledge from people that walked similar paths as we intend to in terms of major and future. Even if the speakers wasn’t involved in the field of my desire, all of the speakers had useful and important advice given to us as learners in order to prepare us for our future as art majors. I always look forward to this seminar every week and will continue to for the rest of the semester.

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