02 Harmony: Digital Collages

Digital collages were definitely an interesting spin on the analog collages we had just worked on. Since I was already a bit experienced with Photoshop I had a lot of fun with this project. While it had been awhile since I had used the software I was able to remember commands and how specific tools worked.

I ended up making 8 collages in total. Some more simplistic than others but I enjoyed making each one.

I tried to incorporate red and green as complimentary colors, some having red, green or both wishing then. I also experimented with layering and perspective. Theme-wise, I seemed to have incorporated the words “love” into a couple of my collages. Some of my favorites ones have the word “love” in them which also pairs with my use of red. I also used leaves for green colors so nature is prevalent in my collages as well.

With some of my other collages I tried to use people or food, but those didn’t work out as well as I had hoped. I used a face in one of my favorites but I need to try and incorporate people better into my next collages.

Below you’ll see the 8 collages I made for this session, the first four being the ones I’ll bring to class for critique.


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