
Welcome to the Masters in Counseling (MAC) program resource site for site supervisors!

Professionals who supervise St. Edwards’ University MAC practicum and internship students during internship play a crucial role in the education and training of future professional counselors. Accreditation and certification standards require that counseling students have some experience in the real world and be supervised by qualified mental health professionals in addition to university instructors.

We hope that you find all the resources you need to be successful in your role as a site supervisor. Please note that your feedback is welcome and will assist us to continually improve the quality of the field experience and the efficiency of our working relationship.

If you are interested in becoming a site for St. Edward’s University MAC program please click here.

For any additional questions, please contact the Field Coordinator for the Masters in Counseling (MAC) Program, Ms. Lindsey C. Taucher, LPC, at either lindsey@stedwards.edu or by phone / text at 5124281265.