
Balance: Equilibrium, creates flow of colors and lines.



Color: Something an object poses that gives it personality and dimension.

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Emphasis: A concentration of elements to draw attention to other areas

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Light: Visibility of an object.

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Line: Connection between points, whether implied or physical.

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Mass: Size of a solid object

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Plane: 3-d form that has length and width but with minimal thickness.

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Rhythm: sense of movement – regular, irregular, pattern, grid

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Scale/proportion: Ratio of an object’s size to those around it.

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Shape: is a flattened enclosed area.

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Space: area within or around an area of substance.

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Texture: physical, visual (illusion), invented texture

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Time and Motion:  4th dimension

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Unity: Similarity

Variety:  Difference

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Value: lightness or darkness of color

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Volume: Space taken up by an object

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