Final Essay

  1. I believe that dedicating enough hours to your graphic design work, that you do not have enough time with people you love, to get enough sleep, or worry about your health, or to do other things you care about. I’d say that would be around 70 hours a week (based off how much my dad worked as a kid and how much his life sucked). I’d say to get sophisticated work accomplished you would have to commit around 20 hours at least, depending on the level of work you are doing. In this way I feel I’m closer to the minimum hours you would need to complete sophisticated work, at about 25-30 hours, with some weeks getting very close to the 20 hour mark.


  1. I believe having more branches coming off of each question of my decision map would be good. More ways to tie negative answers back to still being a vegetarian. As far as my information maps go, I would like to incorporate the symbols in a different way than I did. For the personal geography map I would make my map more detailed.


  1. I was told that my symbols were very good on my decision map and lacking on my other maps, so I made time to create what I thought were much better symbols on both my personal geography and info graphics maps.


  1. I loved doing most of the map project. The decision map was definitely what I poured my heart into. I enjoyed making the symbols which set a precedent for the rest of my maps. I also challenged myself to make it available to be riso-printed as I enjoy the way riso-printed designs look. I struggled the most with the infographic map however I enjoyed making the symbols for it.


  1. I have been attempting to come up with ideas and designs for t shirts for my job (chuy’s) If I were to come up with something they liked, I would get paid for it, get as many shirts as I want and get my design sold and displayed at all chuy’s around the country.


  1. I think in some ways, work has a negative impact on my school life, but it is how I put myself through school. Without work I couldn’t afford to be in school. I also have had some mental health issues that have gotten in my way this semester, but I am working through those things the best I can and hope they resolve eventually.


  1. I honestly loved our classroom environment this semester. It put a lot of responsibility on us as students, which I appreciated a lot. I believe I contributed well to the climate of the class. I speak up alot, not only when I agree with something, but also when I disagree or don’t understand. I feel it’s my responsibility to myself to know how and why things are happening in class. I also think that we had some great conversations I contributed to. I honestly think being in the lab while working on my decision map I felt I was flourishing the most. I am so proud of that map and it kind of took me over as I worked on it. I was so happy at how successful it was.