Interested in how your colleagues are using Canvas? Would you like to ask questions about the faculty experience using Canvas? Do you want to see a real course in Canvas?
As part of the Learning Management System (LMS) Task Force two panel discussions of Canvas will be held to allow the community to take a closer look at how Canvas is being used on campus. On March 3rd at 3:30 and on March 24th at 10:00 am a panel of St. Edward’s faculty who are piloting Canvas this semester will demonstrate their Canvas classes and discuss their experience with Canvas. Both sessions will be held in Library 141.
We currently are piloting Canvas with 18 courses. The full list of Canvas pilots is available on this webpage: Canvas Pilots. Faculty who are teaching these courses will
- Show selected areas of their Canvas course
- Share their experience developing their course
- Contrast use of Canvas to Blackboard
- Share student reaction to Canvas
Join us for an opportunity to see Canvas and provide feedback to the LMS Task Force.