ARTS 1311-Reading 4

1. How is Warhol able to turn in “off” and based upon the article does he not care about the work?

Warhol learned there is “nothing to be afraid of” (146) about art, and he does art for the sake of doing art. He learned to “do something” in the challenges of creativity and made it his priority to not stand there and let his impulses pass him by. He wants to celebrate outlaws and and uniqueness, in American women, youth, and any type of art he can get his hands on. He says that there is “nothing to understand” (149) in his work, and instead he focuses on the experimentation process, and relies on his impulses to create something. He is very real about himself as a creative and doesn’t take praise that is given to him too seriously (147) or anything for that matter, which really helps him to be able to focus on creating rather than his image.

2. Why is the article relevant to the last project?

This is relevant because this project is highly subjective to the creator’s vision and to succeed in this project, you need to be bold and not care about what people will think. It will be helpful to use this mentality to explore creative things and not worry about how we look (literally). Trying new things that are not ordinarily something you would do will be key to making something that is interesting and dynamic, so it will be important to try any idea we can think of and be willing to try it and not care what other people think.

Personal Reflection

1. Do you become self-conscious of your ideas?

I sometimes become self-conscious of my ideas if people criticize them. I am usually good about self-criticism and realize that it only harms my creative process, but other people’s criticisms can shake my own confidence and then I start to worry if I have made the right choice. I usually am able to figure out a way to overcome these feelings and take useful criticism or new ideas without compromising my artistic integrity.

2. What do you think of the nothing-to-lose attitude? What are it’s pros and cons?

I like this mentality and I think it helps to build confidence. When I go in for auditions, I try to push myself towards this way of thinking to relieve the pressure and focus more on having fun and my character than being nervous about the audition. It poses a problem when you start to not care and put effort into what you’re doing. This mentality can quickly lead to someone seeming like they don’t care, or lack preparation or qualification.

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