Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

The IACUC is responsible for oversight of the care and well-being of animals used to research and teaching at St. Edward’s University. The IACUC is also committed to assisting investigators in the development of sound policies to govern the humaneness of animal research and to ensure compliance with federal policies and best practices.

Membership.  Minimum of five members including: An Institutional Officer, veterinarian, scientist experienced in laboratory animal procedures, a non-scientist, preferably an ethicist, lawyer, or other person who can competently address issues of animal welfare, a non-affiliate (i.e., a person who has no other affiliation with the research program other than sitting on the IACUC committee, and who represents the viewpoint of the community.


Institutional Officers
OSP Gloria White’s successor
Dean Catherine Campbell – Dean of BSS
Karen Wheeler
Scientist with Animal Experience
BSS Emily Barton – (Chair) 2023
Non Scientist, ethicist
Community Member
Karen Wheeler