Teaching, Learning, and Technology Round Table (TLTR)

The TLTR is a forum composed of faculty, staff, and students that serves the SEU community by assessing, discussing, and prioritizing technology.

The TLTR is composed of approximately ten faculty members (including at least one graduate faculty member), at least one dean, and representatives from staff areas that support and/or draw on teaching and/or learning-focused technologies, such as the library and Institutional Technology. Faculty representatives either volunteer their service or are appointed by their organizational unit, such that each school has representation. The TLTR elects a chair (or co-chairs) from within its membership.

AHMX Jeremy Johnson 2025
BSS Marcus Folkes 2025
MSB Yungdong Huang 2026
NSCI Bilal Shebaro 2025
At-large Michael Disch 2026
At-large Grad Tom Sechrest 2026