Literacy & Female Genital Mutilation

The two concepts of literacy rates and a horrific and personal practice of FGM seem very different, but I think that they can be studied together in the context of women’s rights. Interestingly, the literacy rates had jumped drastically from the mid-90’s to the mid-2000’s, but then from 2005 to 20010 there was only an increase of .6 over five years. Those years are important because the revolution was right in between them and it should be expected that the lives of people would have improved more than it did in Egypt. Female Genital Mutilation rates are also shockingly high, still, even though women were supposed to have gained rights and should be more in control of their own bodies in the post-revolution years. In both of these cases, there have been only minimal improvements, and women are the ones who are suffering the most. And oddly enough, in the case of FGM I have found that over half of the women, 69%, are consenting to have their daughters mutilated the same way they were. It would seem that these people are either brainwashed or feel culturally pressured to continue this highly painful and deeply personal thing. Both the rising literacy rates and the lack of a significant decline in FGM in Egypt paint the picture of a country that is still struggling to change from its old ways.

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