Women’s Prisons in Egypt

One of the articles I found this week was centered around a documentary about the treatment of women in Egyptian prisons, it can be found here. The other article I found was written about the terrible abuse women are subject to in Egyptian prisons .  The sources I found were not written by the same person and they were written three months apart, but I did find them on the same website, one that is “an English-language online news magazine that bills itself as “independent, progressive journalism.” Both sources outline several abuses that occurred specifically at the infamous Women’s Prison in Qanater, although they also talk about the treatment being horrifying at most other locations as well. I think this was a good way to learn about an issue because I first read about the problem, and then I found an article detailing a possible solution- which was a movie about the issue. Movies, television, social media, really any form of media can be an incredibly effective tool in spreading awareness and igniting change, as can be seen in the role technology played in the success of the revolutions of the Arab Spring.

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