The Last Post

The Israelis see the union between Fatah and Hamas as an impunity, while Palestine sees the unity governance as a solution to a problem of separation. The rockets flying in and out of Gaza are a result of this union, and Israel will continue the defense. Fatah accepted a terrorist organization into their government, even further provoking Israel to take action to defend their people at the threat of destruction. Both nations are on high alert as the situation continues to be increasingly dangerous as one is pit against the other as a result of media coverage.

The creation of the unity government in Palestine called for open parliamentary elections that does not specifically delegate candidates as part of the Hamas or Fatah party. Mainly, they differ on how the government should be run, but also they heavily differ on their stance on Israel. Hamas hates everything about the nation, Fatah wants Israel to stop calling itself a Jewish state.

This new Palestinian government presents further troubles for Israel. Parliamentary members could very well have supported terrorist actions against the Jewish people or other Israelis and continue to present danger to the neighboring country. All of this has a negative effect on the economics and lives of Israelis, as well as destruction of the Gaza strip. Recently, Qatar offered millions to help rebuild Gaza, but more than likely given it’s background with the Muslim Brotherhood, backs Hamas and Palestine and wants the same of Israel as Palestine. The parties within the Palestinian political picture aren’t like those here in the US; they both are very rash with decision making and have reached a breaking point.

9 thoughts on “The Last Post

  1. Great overview of the cooperation governing pact between Fatah and Hamas. The three teens were kidnapped from the West Bank in 2014, but other kidnappings have taken place around the tunnel networks on the Gaza border.

  2. Interesting presentation! I didn’t know hamas was also a political group. Your last blog post sounds very interesting! Great job!

  3. It was cool hearing your perspective on this since you are Jewish. It was interesting to hear how all of this was affecting you too. Hearing about the Jewish state was very interesting.

  4. Very good information and knowledge of the subject. I liked that you looked at the side of Palestine which we usually don’t get to see. Good presentation! Look forward to reading that last blog.

  5. Interesting presentation on Israel and Palestine. Your final blog post sounds like it will be very interesting!

  6. You did a great job of summarizing both sides especially since I know little to nothing about these groups. Also I like your analyzation of the topic and what it could mean for the future of Israel. Good presentation and blog.

    P.S. I am very much looking forward to your last blog and seeing the difference between now and some 40 years ago.

  7. Looking forward to reading what you have to share in your last blog post from the interview with your grandfather. It makes your topic all the more interesting when your ethnicity is traced back to the region. Well done!

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