Palestinian Views

The Palestinian Chronicle tells the tale from a Palestinian’s perspective, calling Israel criminals whom, “can simply stop calling itself a Jewish state, so Jews wouldn’t have to bear the burden for its criminal actions.” They cite Israel carrying out massacres of Palestinian people along with Israel speaking on behalf of all Jewish people.

The slogan “two states for two peoples” has long been used by those who support the creation of a Palestinian state alongside Israel, but the idea doesn’t work well. Calling Palestine a state would be problematic at this point because of the corruption of the government that includes Hamas holding positions. Palestinians believe the Israelis are hell-bent on pronouncing Israel a Jewish state, and call them one single group that they strongly dislike.

The situation in Palestine and Israel is increasingly complicated. On one hand, the US is an ally and supporter of the Israeli nation, but on the other they send aid to Palestine who use the funds in some counterproductive way. Palestine’s newspaper depicts Israel to be devilish, yet the US still plans to aid them as shown in the annual budget projections. This conflict, seemingly funded by the US and terrorist organizations, will reach a breaking point sooner than later and could become more of a global issue if the Muslim Brotherhood became more involved.

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