VISU1311: Creativity Blog #1.

This article made me think a lot about how we perceive color. I have often read that black and white images are less true than colored images. This is because the images often become more smooth or perfect when a black and white filter is applied to them. A lot of beauty bloggers spread the idea that black and white images hide flaws. Because of this background knowledge, I found it very interesting when Villem claimed that black and white images were less abstract. Although that isn’t how I initial thought about the relationship between an image and color, I do understand where the author is coming from.

I often think a lot about the appearance of color through screens. The way Villem explains color as more abstract makes sense when considering how screens run on RGB and printers on CMYK. The discontinuity between the colors used do raise the question as to what is the true color. Then, there are instances of brightness and screen type. This idea was pushed to its limit a few years ago with the dress phenomena where there was an image of a dress that would appear white and gold or black and blue. The brightness and location of the screen played a role in how it appeared, but the actual make up of the eye was what determined it more. As an artist, these ideas are interesting and concerning. There are the philosophical issues about what is the real or most perfect depiction of the thing. More importantly, there is the artistic issue about how an image appears to an audience. The article may focus on the relationship between the artist, tool, and product, but it makes me think more about the relationship between the artist, audience, and product.

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