Blog Post 4- Upperclassmen Work and Websites

Part I: Responses

Faith-Photo Communications

The first upperclassman to to present was Faith and most of us already knew who she was from class, and I thought it was fun to actually see her work. I thought it was beautiful and she know what she wants to do for the time being. She has a goal in mind she wants to achieve, but knows as long as she is in the world photographing she will make it through life just fine and happy. I liked that her presentation encompassed not only the steps and classes she took to get where she is but also her work and how it makes her feel. It was comforting to know that throughout her time in school she has found not just a job but a passion that is worth the possibility of unstable work at first or difficult circumstances, it is how I hope to be.

Mary-Graphic Design 

Personally this is the presentation I was most excited about because I am majoring in graphic design as well, however I was slightly underwhelmed afterwards. I feel like the whole alien thing distracted the audience a bit because even when it came to questions students were asking about her research on aliens and communicating with them more than the major itself. I wish she had shown a bit more of her work not just the work she had done for the DIY site because I think that was, yes something graphic designers will have to do, but I would have enjoyed seeing something a bit more intensive she had to to along with the book about aliens. She and the presentation was entertaining and put together, I enjoyed her tips on getting work and going out into the world and doing the work and she has a similar take on graphic design as I do. It isn’t just a text, a poster, a symbol, it is there to say something that simplifies a meaning or connects to a meaning or something larger to make it simpler or quicker or faster for everyday people.


Diana was very real. She took us through all of her schooling and her thoughts throughout and it was highly enjoyable because at a certain point we all know what we like and know what we can do and where we are weary about doing some things because we either aren’t comfortable, don’t think we are great at it or both. It was refreshing to hear from a student that change from not being completely comfortable to hearing and seeing her break out of the comfort zone she went in with. It was also unique that she was also in the field of education, I think we assume most people will create their own business or open a studio etc. and she is tying into something that is still going to have an impact but in a way I hadn’t thought of which is by teaching smaller kids art. I’ve only taken one art class and the was in sixth grade but I never thought about why art teachers chose that job because, they could be in the art industry making art for themselves but they choose to be their for students, and sometimes they still do personal work on the side so they can have an impact that is a little different than some artists but still have that passion in their everyday life.

John & Omar- Interactive Game Studies

The Interactive Game Studies presentation was entertaining. I know next to nothing about gaming just when it comes down to playing. I am not a gamer, no where near it. I do know a little bit about animation but that is it. It was informative about what the game studies students will be doing and having examples of most of it was helpful and informative and it was nice having some guys present considering the rest were women. It was nice to see how they have viewed their experience and they also spoke about how much time and work goes into what they do and so did other upperclassmen, but John and Omar went a little more into depth about just how much work and trial and error it takes.

Part II: Websites

From Up North

This website is one of my favorites to get inspiration from or look at artists and designers. It is user friendly and all of the categories are neat and the site is updated frequently and new art and designs are not just added to pre-existing categories, but put in the category as a new folder or the same title but with a new date so it is just the new current ones, but all of the older ones still exist. It is easy to find what I  am searching for and it is modern and got re-modeled within the last year.

Erin Fetherston

This is a website for a fashion designer, it is simple and modern with light colors that still have an impact one of them being gold which is clean and chic and used frequently, it is definitely eye catching especially to female viewers and the chic element lends to the high end fashion she is designing.

Daniel Spatzek

Extremely modern and user friends. Simple and chronological. There isn’t much to distract a viewer’s eye and it lends itself to a bit more of a “Tumblr” feel that a normal website.


This is a very common website, but I do enjoy it and it has gotten better over the years that I have been visiting the site. I remember when I first went to this site to do some online shopping I did not like the experience I had, but I do now. It is clean and easier for users to go through and find what they are searching for, but it also reaches a wide variety of people. It can lure in people who are prim and proper with some of the clothes mixed with their thin category fonts and light font colors, but the boldness of some aspects bring in the edgier customers.


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