The final project of the semester is self directed. It includes 20 complete drawings around a single theme. Students are tasked with research first, then to construct 3-5 rules that includes material, subject, ordering etc. There are several working critiques to assist the student in the process: to restrict rules further if necessary, to stay on task, to redirect, to cheer on, to cultivate a studio practice. The final 20 drawings are revealed during the final week of class – some students will result with only 3-5 good works, some more but usually no more than half are deemed good.
The student example above began with the smaller images on the right, then the images on the top row were generated after the initial critique. During the second crit the student was encouraged to further restrict when what the class was perceiving was not as she was intending. The result was the bottom two rows of larger drawings. She was fortunate to get nine good drawings that are of the same subject, and material. She successfully began the creation of a body of work. Below are larger examples of some images above. Here is a link to the more student examples of the 20 Drawings.