Drawing II: Munday Library Chalkboard Drawings

Each spring students are challenged to create a completed publicly displayed large scale drawing. It must be non-objective. In order to find the content of the drawing students first make directed “drawings” onto white paper tacked to the studio walls. They take turns and also draw all at once, after which, they are directed to photograph small compositions with either a smartphone or a camera. These are emailed to the profossor. The emailed images are digitally projected in the classroom and then students vote on the best compositions (the nature of choice is based upon a learned understanding in the class as to what the students deem acceptable and required in a given work of art). Once the many drawings are wittled down to approximately 5 the professor inverts the images (making white backgrounds black and dark linework light similar to a chalkboard) and then another round of voting happens to select the single image that will be drawn on one of the large chalkboards in Munday Library.

The project requires a lot of communication by way of the students. The final drawing usually only exists for a week at most but the process of large to small to large and hand to digital to hand is important for students to experience. Often students have never made something quite the scale of these preliminary or final drawings.

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Group 1 working on beginning stages of drawing.

Group 1 working on beginning stages of drawing.

Spring 2016: group 1

Spring 2016: group 1

Spring 2016: group 2

Spring 2016: group 2

Screen Shot 2015-06-03 at 10.56.21 AM Spring 2105

Screen Shot 2015-06-03 at 10.56.07 AMSpring 2014


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