Blog Post #10,11,12

Beyond Time:

In this radio show they discussed the topic of time. For some people time dose not exist because they simply don’t believe in the concept of time. And for others time is something they depend on. One of the people they talked to discussed how he can make time happen they way he wants it to. He is in love with the past. He purposely stays away from modern society because he says its something that is destroying him. He also felt as if old people knew something he should know and that was one of the reasons why he felt some connection to old people. Time is something we make an idea of. We make time how we want it. We either decide to live in the past, present, or future. As we live our lives each moment we have is permanent and will live on forever.

Dvid Blane Ted Talk:

David Blane held his breath under water and broke the world record. He began talking about different ways he can create the illusion of breathing under water. But as he soon found out nothing would work as well as actually attempting to hold hid breath. He went though intense training to finally reach his goal. As a magician David Blane tries to show things to people that seem impossible. He describes magic as being “pretty simple” all it takes is practice, training, and experimenting while pushing through the pain to be the best he can be.

Way Things Go:

In this video its all about how our lives effect everything else around us. Little things that we experience everyday have a ripple effect on everything else and how we live the rest of our lives. With every choice we make or don’t make it changes the path our lives where heading. Its also about how different events in our lives push us in different directions. Everything effects something else and that’s the whole idea of life.

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