Spring 2016 End of Term Assessment

From the type 1 class, I learned typographic vocabulary such as kerning, base line, descenders, etc. I got to know how each letterform is designed and all the different types of typefaces (serif vs. sanserif, old fashioned vs. contemporary). Lorena taught us the importance of having everything aligned in a grid so that the work looked organized and intentional. Adv type allowed me to take all the things I learned from the previous class and apply it all in one go, particularly in the Fulbright Program. I especially used my knowledge of legibility to choose a typeface in the Fulbright Program because I had to make the typeface so small in certain sections.


I loved that we got to organize the Fulbright Program book however we wanted. I felt that this freedom was really refreshing and challenging which is something different from the previous courses I have taken. Although I felt that the weather report project was the bane of my existence, looking back I appreciate it. It taught me a new program, it taught me patience and it taught me that there will be things in my career that I will have to figure out on my own.


I think I see it. You have to marinate in it and really get to know it before you can start designing it, ya feel? You almost have to be in a certain headspace to design it, in order to get the most effective representation of it. I think the pieces of it is the brand which encompasses the typeface, color palette, graphics and conversation that it creates.


I don’t think I asked enough questions. I know I should have, but sometimes I am afraid to ask questions because I might get feedback that would make me change everything that I had been working on. When I did ask questions, it was always very helpful. I love asking what my peers think of something just because we are all in the same boat so we all know the struggle. For this class in particular, I wish I had put in more practice time. I felt that this semester I was so busy that I lacked in my practice time. I wish that I gave myself more time to delve into each project rather than do the minimum (at least the minimum for me because I like to hold myself to a high standard). My life felt wayyyyy out of order most of the semester but I think I am starting to get back in my groove again. I feel like my creative juices are flowing again and I feel more passionate about my major, not that I never did, just other things in life distracted me from my love of design, but now I am back!


Tuan’s class I think could maybe have more group critiques but other than that I love the classes he teaches. They are unlike other classes I have taken and it is very refreshing.


I think that from both graphic design classes, I have a better grasp on finding the brand or design aesthetic quicker. I have also grown an appreciation for research; research the “client” or “product” beforehand to see a more holistic vision for the end design. I wish I would have done more research for the Fulbright Program, but now I know that I need to do that for future projects. In terms of distance, I think that I am about a mile from where I was.

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