This project was to make an online portfolio app. This assignment opened my eyes to new possibilities within the graphic design world. Getting to use and get comfortable with after effects was one of the most prominent things that stuck with me as well as an interest with application design. I followed the process through designing the look and user interaction on paper as a prototype and then transferred these ideas onto illustrator. I wanted my application portfolio to be unique in the way the menu was set up. I noticed that as a user sometimes you click on things on accident and I wanted to get rid of this potential user error, so I made the menu be in the four corners of the screen, where most do not touch often unlike the top or bottom sections of the screen. This design embodied my idea of uniqueness and easy access through the navigation itself being divided into different sections of the screen but the design choice of making them stay on screen always and not disappear enhanced the content itself due to the easy access this created for the user.
Interface Lesson