Artifact Map



The artifact map was about creating a visual map with a special attribute most maps lack to help guide the viewer. This St. Edwards map was putting my map into the context of a mobile app. The special attribute was to show on campus where free food is being served. A day never goes by on campus where a hall is not serving free food. So i visually created a map that shows free food on the current day and events scheduled with free food in advance.

Symbol Methodology


In the process of making symbols, i first had to think about a concentrated idea. My idea ended was architecture and based off the word i brainstormed 9 words that were connected to that idea:  3 words that can be visualized, 3 words that were personally stylized, and 3 words that were visually abstract. From there, i began to brainstorm more symbols by dropping the concepts, and taking several details from each symbol and merge them to either create something new or improve the symbol. I also kept in mind about the design elements such as balance, symmetry, asymmetry, etc. By doing this i was able to strip away any details that distracted the main concept, and bold up areas that emphasized my idea and the symbol visually. From there i had 9 edited symbols, that i narrowed down to 3. I narrowed down based of which were visually appealing to me and which were interestingly connected to my concept. And in those 3, i edited and improved these symbols using the design elements.


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The tumblr page was an assignment of creating a storyline of pictures, inspired from a given quote. The quote i worked with was: “It’s hard to obviously imagine a house which doesn’t have a door”. I took this quote in a futuristic/extraterrestrial sense. I shot my photos with a mirror and played with its abilities to create that futuristic tone. The theme on the tumblr page that was set enlarged the photos to a full screen which really changed the experience of viewing the images. Captions were added to emphasize the overall theme.




The cutter/plotter assignment was transforming letters with patterns and distortions from different typefaces using the pathfinder tool. This project stressed the importance of how although there were constrained rules on making these letters, there were endless possibilities in the range of those rules. After they were finished on Illustrator, they were then printed on the vinyl cutter with a gel pen.

Type Specimen Book

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This typography project involved creating a booklet; both physical and virtual. With a partner, we were given a graduation speech. Based off the speech we chose what phrases to highlight by bolding words out of the text. The images above are snippets from the online booklet, we isolated single phrases to make the booklet more interactive if used on a tablet device. The colors were chosen based off the institution the speech was given at – the University of Texas at Austin. I would say some pages are more successful in terms of design because there are some text paragraphs that seem out of place in terms of spacing. However, the simplicity of the booklet gives the book an aesthetic and style.

Typographic Poster











This poster followed the same design processes as the typeface design project. Instead of using my typeface, i created a typeface specimen with another student’s typeface. In my opinion, the typeface gave a 20’s art deco look to me. The differences in stroke and extra lines gave me the idea of how i wanted to layout the poster. The letter “C” to me expressed this style the most. My main focus for the poster was to focus the design on emphasizing the “C”‘s attributes.

Typeface Design


This project involved creating a typeface from a quote to inspire the style of the letters. My quote was “a shiver in the mind”. I aimed for futuristic and geometrical themes. 3 specimens were then created. One to showcase a letter, one to showcase the typeface, and the other to showcase a quote. For showcasing the letter, which was “X”, i wanted to enhance the style of the letter by adding a shapes to it’s sides.