


This project introduced the idea of the canon. A canon is an accepted principle or rule, or standard of judgement. I decided to design something that would fit into the geometry board on my pinterest account. I started with designing metatrons cube and began playing with layering and placement. Eventually I began to look at the forms created inside of metatrons cube, and used the pathfinder tool to divide the design into the individual that make up the design as a whole. From there I enlarged and separated the pieces to create a mosaic effect that held the integrity of the original design.

Mapping Project: Cognitive Map

Cognitive map rgb


The Cognitive Map project focuses on mental processes and decision making. I designed a map that shows the mental process I go through to determine which disc to throw when I am teeing off during a disc golf game. The starting point is in the center, which is split between whether or not the cage is visible from the tee box. From there, the distance is assessed before determining the necessary flight path. Whether or not to make a forehand or backhand shot comes next. The type of elevation change present; and the location of a hazard, or out of bounds line are the final determining factors in deciding what disc to throw.

Mapping Project: Information Map

Infographic map GDES2


The Information Map project focused on developing the organization and depiction of a set of data. I chose to use my iTunes library as a jump off point for the project. I show case the details of my top played songs by displaying the different genres within the top two-hundred, the top five most played songs, and the hours I’ve spent listening to each of the top fifteen played songs.

Artifact Map


The artifact map was the first of the three map projects assigned in the Graphic Design I class. The assignment required us to make a physical map from either school to work, home to school, or work to home. I chose to design a map that shows the route I take from home to school everyday. The area between the starting point and destination in this map has so many landmarks and roads that it was a challenge to determine which elements were essential to the functionality of the map. Initially I wanted to show all of the alternate routes, but as the project progressed I decided to only show the details of the fastest route. I feel that I satisfied the requirements for the assignment, but that the color palette and symbols used could have been designed more effectively.

Michael Cavallaro’s semester reflection of Advanced Typography

My social/emotional development is pretty much at boss status. I have had a lot of extremely stressful, emotionally draining, time consuming situations on my plate outside of school which I have balanced quite excellently the past couple months. I would rate the sophistication of my work as high in comparison to my previous work. I have continued to push my limits as a designer this semester. I tested the performance envelope as far as after effects is concerned while working on the weather report project. I am working on being able to utilize feedback on my work to produce more cohesive designs. I would classify this as a meaningful use of feedback. I am challenging myself on an intense level this semester, I have taken on learning a whole new medium to work in, and I look forward to revealing some finished pieces sooner than later. I do my best to be attentive and responsive in class, and during critiques, which falls under a warm contribution to climate. My use of practice time has been consistent this semester, which can be attributed to the three-hour gap I have between my classes everyday. I took a laser engraving class earlier in the semester as far as expert experiences go, and look forward to working with, and learning more about that technology. I have accumulated 233 expert hours so far this semester, which is almost as many expert hours I had completed in the entire last semester. Altogether I have completed 526.5 expert hours between last semester and the current semester. I have completed more expert hours than this but these are what I have recorded. I think that I should have an A in the class so far.