Category Archives: Advanced Type

Advanced type assesment

My social/emotional development is pretty much at boss status. I have had a lot of extremely stressful, emotionally draining, time consuming situations on my plate outside of school which I have balanced quite excellently the past couple months. I would rate the sophistication of my work as high in comparison to my previous work. I have continued to push my limits as a designer this semester. I tested the performance envelope as far as after effects is concerned while working on the weather report project. I am working on being able to utilize feedback on my work to produce more cohesive designs. I would classify this as a meaningful use of feedback. I am challenging myself on an intense level this semester, I have taken on learning a whole new medium to work in, and I look forward to revealing some finished pieces sooner than later. I do my best to be attentive and responsive in class, and during critiques, which falls under a warm contribution to climate. My use of practice time has been consistent this semester, which can be attributed to the three-hour gap I have between my classes everyday. I took a laser engraving class earlier in the semester as far as expert experiences go, and look forward to working with, and learning more about that technology. I have accumulated 233 expert hours so far this semester, which is almost as many expert hours I had completed in the entire last semester. Altogether I have completed 526.5 expert hours between last semester and the current semester. I have completed more expert hours than this but these are what I have recorded. I think that I should have an A in the class so far.