The weather report project required the use of the LATCH system to organize the 40 points of data in report. LATCH stands for Location, Alphabet, Time, Category, and Hierarchy; and the 40 points of data refer to the city names, days of the week, hi and low temperatures, and weather symbols. The project is set in the future which is why I used the typeface, Facet Ultra, for the city names. Initially I had wanted the city names to unfold from one triangle of each letter, like reversing origami paper from the final form back to the original paper. I also designed the symbols based off of the triangles that make up the Facet Ultra typeface, which have a geometric theme that I am partial to. These sharp angles that make up the typeface and symbols are contrasted by the circles and rounded rectangles within the first latch of Time, in which the data set is organized by the days of the week. Code Light and Bauhaus STD, are the other two sans serif typefaces I utilized in the following latches for labeling. I chose these two typefaces in order to continue to integrate rounded elements into the composition to balance the sharp angles of the symbols.