For this project, I designed buttons and packaging that reflected an aspect of visiting a location and experiencing it in a specific way.
The first location was the Blanton Museum of Art and the experience was wonder. To emphasize thought/ wonder over art, my directions brings viewers from the smaller art to the larger ones. This is where the title “Bigger Than You” plays in. Ideally, the viewer will end the directions in front of a very large art piece, thinking about it in some wondrous way. In terms of the aesthetic of the packaging, I tried to reflect the simple and smooth elegance that the museum has. My design isn’t highly sophisticated but with the references to the penny piece and the blue wall, there is more than just meets the eye.
My second location is the Barton Creek Wilderness Park and the experience is delight. My instructions focus on a lighthearted hike with a friend and observing what you can in the nature around you. To emphasize that there is more to see in nature, my button design is a photograph. I placed the button on top of the matching image so it blends in somewhat and makes you look closer.