I am not proud to say this, but I became aware of this artist from a cheesy Buzzfeed article. Regardless, the message of her work is so strong. Abramovic has a long history of great performance work. In this piece, she sat in the gallery and people came up to sit across from her, while she stared at them. Ulay ended up coming to the exhibit.
Ulay is another performance artist who worked and had a relationship with Abramovic in the ’70s. “In 1988, the two artists decided to make a spiritual journey to represent the end of their relationship. They went to China where the walked the length of the Great Wall starting on opposite ends and meeting in the middle to exchange goodbyes.”
Marina and Ulay conveyed the concept of this piece through symbolism. “We needed a certain form of ending, after this huge distance walking towards each other. It is very human. It is in a way more dramatic, more like a film ending … Because in the end you are really alone, whatever you do.”