Join the 2016 Austin to Angers Fitness Challenge

Sustainability isn’t just about the health and well-being of the planet; it’s about people’s health too. We can take care of our surrounding environment by taking care of our own bodies, as the two are tied to one another in many ways. Stay active and stay sustainable this semester by grabbing three of your SEU friends, coworkers, roommates, or classmates and create a team for the Austin to Angers Fitness Challenge! Over the course of 4 weeks, you and your teammates will track how many “miles” of physical activity you log in an effort to reach the total distance between Austin, TX, and Angers, France.  The challenge starts October 3rd – Oct 30th, 2016.

For each minute of activity you log, you will be awarded 1 mile – for example every hour you are active will add 60 miles to your team’s log.  Over the course of the 4 weeks, your team will work together to accrue 5019 “miles”, or minutes, of activity.

Each team that reaches the 5000 “miles” milestone will be awarded a prize.  After registration, you will be given weekly logs for activity to track your progress

While you make your “trek” to Angers, keep in mind that staying physically active benefits both you and the environment. Taking a walk outside or going for a swim saves energy that would have been used to power a treadmill, and choosing the stairs over the elevator saves 72 kilowatts of energy per two flights. Staying healthy in general decreases the need for medications and other healthcare costs. Not only are they expensive for you, but the production of medications can involve environmentally-harmful chemicals.

  •     Take the stairs instead of the elevator
  •     Take a hike in the Wild Basin
  •     Volunteer for a Wild Basin land work day
  •     Volunteer in the St. Ed’s student garden
  •     Gardening

To register, click HERE and return to the RCC by October 2nd, 2016. Your team captain will receive an email with more information on the program, such as how to submit your team’s weekly mileage.

Download the event flyer here.