Energy-Efficient Computers Arrive in St. Edward’s Campus Labs

Exciting news! Our Information Technology department has been working hard to install new energy-efficient computer systems across our campus computer labs. These new computers are much smaller and have higher energy efficiency than desktop PC towers of the past. These Intel NUC Mini PCs are extremely compact (slightly bigger than the palm of your hand) and use just six watts of power while idle and 25 watts of power while in use. The previous system used 65 watts while idle and 200 watts while in use. That’s an energy use reduction by an average of 90%, all while consuming even less power than the light bulbs used to light up the lab! Check out the chart below to see a comparison of energy usage between these new computers, the previous systems, and commonly-used light bulbs. The NUC Mini PCs can currently be found in the Ragsdale 212, Trustee 109, and JBWN 201 labs.